Pricing Plans​
Pre-Buy: Purchasing propane ahead of time with pre-buys can save you significant dollars over winter time rates. We typically offer this program between Memorial Day and Labor Day each year when propane prices usually reach their annual lows. We invite anyone who is interested to give us a call for a pre-buy price quote.
Preferred Contracts: We are happy to offer preferred contract pricing with a wide variety of terms. These contracts generally offer preferred locked-in or capped prices or margins in exchange for a signed contract by the customer, typically for one or two years in length. These offer the advantage of flexible price protections with little or no money down.
Level Billing: As energy costs have risen, more and more customers have taken advantage of our level billing plans. Our year-round level bill plan normally runs from July through the following June. We also offer 9, 10 and 11 month plans to qualified customers. By spreading your annual fuel costs over the entire year, you can make budgeting your family’s expenses more manageable and stress free.
Payment Options​
Normal Terms: Some customers prefer to simply pay for their deliveries as they receive them. Our normal terms for residential deliveries are due upon receipt with a 2% monthly service charge starting after 10 days. Terms for businesses with approved credit applications on file are due within 30 days.
Payment Methods: We accept VISA, MasterCard, American Express and Discover credit cards, as well as debit cards. We also accept local checks, money orders, and cash.
Home Energy Assistance: We at Apollo go out of our way to assist our customers who qualify for local and state government assistance with their propane bills. Our experienced staff will be happy to assist in determining if you qualify and will direct you to the proper agencies that can help.
The Ohio HEAP (Home Energy Assistance Program) is the most widely used assistance program, and applications generally are accepted after August 1st for the upcoming winter. Visit the state of Ohio website at energyhelp.ohio.gov, where details of this and the county EHEAP (Emergency Home Energy Assistance Program) can be found.
The toll-free number to reach HEAP is 800-282-0880.